Îó𺠼 Aeóº ¼ Ìööò×× Blockinøøóò× Óó Áòòóöññøøóò Èöó Blockin
Transa tions of Information Pro essing So iety of Japan 1959 Regular Paper Sear hing for Syn hronization Algorithms using BDDs !!!!!!!!!!(BDD $rMQ$$$?F14|%"%k%4%j%:%‘$NC5:w) Masami Hagiya (GkC+ >;8J)y and Koi hi Takahashi (9b66 9’0l)yy The impa t of veri ation te hnologies would be mu h greater if they ould not only verify existing information systems, but also synthesize or dis over new ones. In our previous study, we tried to dis over new algorithms that satisfy a given spe i ation, by rst de ning a spa e of algorithms, and then he king ea h algorithm in the spa e against the spe i ation, using an automati veri er, i.e., model he ker. Needless to say, the most serious problem of this approa h is in sear h spa e explosion. In this paper, we des ribe a ase study in whi h we employed symboli model he king using BDD and sear hed for syn hronization algorithms. By employing symboli model he king, we ould speed up enumeration and veri ation of algorithms. We also dis uss the use of approximation for redu ing the sear h spa e. 8!>Z5;
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Îööö Blockin Blockinøøóò Óó Ëëø× Óó Áòòòòøø Ëøøøø Èöó Blockin Blockin×××× Í××òò Èöóóööñ Ìööò××óöññøøóò
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Áááá Ìööò× Óò Èåá¸îó𺠾½¸ae󺽽¸aeóúñö ½½½½º Ñòò ×øøðø Ääû× Ò Ååööóú Êêòòóñ Ðð× ß Øøøóöý Óö ×××ô Ñóððòò Òò Ôö Blockin Blockinôøùùð Óöööòòþþøøóò
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